Sunday, July 8, 2007

i'm here...

i don't have any signal in my apartment, but we do have wireless at the studio, and so far i've come in early every day to stretch, review my choreography from the day before, and check my e-mail/facebook you know you'd do it too). i'm hoping this blog will help to avoid me typing out the same e-mails to everyone, so when i'm on the ship and paying out my ass per minute for service, i can update everyone much more efficiently. i'm so smart sometimes. sometimes, i said....

i almost missed my flight. my carry-on luggage was fourteen pounds over the weight limit, and it took an hour and fifteen minutes to unpack and re-pack everything in the terminal. that combined with security and waiting for over an hour for customs meant i ran to the gate, and thankfully the fight was running late...

so...cocoa, florida is total garbage, but we're all making the best of it. the dixie motel (a.k.a. home) is situated, in all seriousness, between the water tower and the paint factory. so far walmart has been pretty cool...the good thing is that we're two minutes from the pier, and two minutes the other way to the village, and there's really nice cafe's and shops. the studio is only a five minute walk away, although we've been advised not to do the walk alone in the dark. i might not even do it alone during the day, although i hear that brevard county is where all the 'cops' shows are filmed, so who knows...

i'm really enjoying my cast. before i left, i was concerned that i would be the only one over 21, and that i would inevitably become the cast mom, or at the very least, slip subconsciously into RA mode. thankfully, most of the cast is my age, and i even have a few that are older than me. they're all very talented, no weak links form what i can see so far, and the choreographer and the director have already made it pretty obvious that they enjoy having us around... it's 'cause we're uber-fun in addition to being moderately intelligent at our jobs. go us.

my shows are hilarious. in 'cinematastic', we do a section which includes 'fame', 'maniac' and 'what a feeling' ...complete with blacklight-sensitive legwarmers. i run on the spot and swing my ponytail around. for real. in
one of the shows all the girls do either silks or hoops, so we're leaving on wednesday to go to orlando for three days to go to circus school. sick.

essentially all i do is wake up, eat breakfast, pack lunch, go to rehearsal, come home, make dinner, practice, and go to sleep. eventually i'll do something interesting and i'll tell you all about it.

keep in touch, send me mail!

miss you all...

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