Saturday, August 18, 2007

part two - ships are...special

where to start.

we left london at 6:15am with the intention of embarking at eight, but the ship was five hours late because of a medical emergency in france... we sat in the crew cruise terminal for six hours on the cement with our luggage in a big pile. we played a lot of cards.

once we got on the ship, we figured out that somewhere, someone's lines were crossed, and none of us were expected to arrive that day. so far a few of us still don't have rooms. also, my name was caroline kelling on the manifest, and as such, on the program, medical card, and my nametag. which is making it hard to replace since everything went missing from backstage during a run of a show on the second day. as such, i'm not allowed off the ship; not that we have time at the moment.

there was a shipping error, and our costumes, wigs and shoes, we're told, are somewhere on the ship. we're just not sure where. they've bumped back our opening night until thursday, in the hopes that everything will be sorted out by then...

other than that, things are pretty good. i can tell that once things settle down and i have a place to put all my things that i'll be very happy. we're thrilled that courtney (our first director/choreographer) is back to install our shows, and rehearsals are going well, even though they're usually early in the morning from midnight to five am (it's the only time the theatre is available). as entertainment we get almost the same privilidges as guests, short of the uber-fancy restaurants, and we only have to dress up on formal nights (i'm particularly happy about this one!). the cast is still in good spirits, and the food is great, so i'll be just fine. =)

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