Thursday, July 19, 2007

le update

we had our first day off recently, and it was karen's (one of the dancers) birthday. we all went to the beach (no pictures, my batteries died... it looked like a beach) and then out for dinner and drinks, and to the movies. it's remarkable how thrilling an average day can become when you're stuck in a windowless studio for ten hours a day.

last week we all went to the aerial gym to learn silks and lyra, and ended up having a great time... except that none of us could move our arms above our heads for three days after, our shoulders hurt so much. once we get on the ship we can train every day for half an hour or so, rather than exhausting ourselves for a full day and being useless the day after...

it's hard to believe i've been here for two weeks already... at times it feels like i only arrived a few days ago, and then there's moments where it seems like i've been here and known these people forever. we're making our own fun in cocoa and at the hotel, a.k.a. le chateau dixie (even though it is in the middle of nowhere), but i think we're all anticipating embarkation and starting to install the shows.

courtney (our director that we had last week) is on vacation, so we have someone new for our next two shows. jack is... hm, how to say this diplomatically... less than excellent at life. and dancing. and teaching. and being a nice person. if nothing else, it's bringing the cast closer together, because we have to lean on each other to stay sane and healthy...

speaking of sanity and health, the former is still surviving for me, but less so the latter...i sprained my ankle in rehearsal on tuesday. nothing too serious, and thankfully we have a vocal rehearsal day today and a day off on friday, so i have two days to rest. my partner paul is also injured with a dislocated shoulder, and most of us are resting from strains and pulls and cuts and bruises. thankfully we all are covered for physio, so i'm taking full advantage before we leave. plus, it's fun making the floridians confused when they can't comprehend how i don't have a zip code.

all in all, i'm still having a great time, despite some minor drama with my director and my injury. even though we're all stressed out, i laugh my ass off every day with these people and feel very lucky to have them all in my cast. we're still short one male dancer, so next update i'll let you know how he fits. hopefully he's a non-smoker like the rest of us (a wholly non-smoking cruise cast?! unbelievable!)


Unknown said...

I'm glad you're staying sane. You'll need all the sanity you can get.

You look lovely in purple, by the way.

erin said...

Colour me jealous! (yeah, I spelled with a U)

Also, I'm sitting surrounded by Americans right now and we got into a convo about the right way to spell stuff. Oh, I miss you.