Saturday, October 6, 2007

this one time i was attacked by a monkey

seriously, though.

pompeii was incredible, in every sense. one of the best day's i've had...i almost got lost about a hundred times, just staring at the frescoes while the rest of the group moved on...

i went to rome again to try and see the sistine chapel, but the line was three hours long and we didn't have enough time... so we went out for lunch instead, and i ate more pizza than is ever acceptable for one person to consume... but t was SO good =).

we finally got a chance to go up the rock in gibraltar and visit the caves. they were so unbelievably beautiful, the pictures do them absolutely no justice. inside, there is a natural ampitheatre created out of the stalactite in the rock, and they've built a seating area for concerts... the acoustics are perfect.

everywhere you look on the rock are monkeys. in all seriousness, there are thousands of them, and because they are so acclimatized to humans they aren't afraid when you come close to fact, they like to play. so perhaps attacked is not entirely accurate, but the picture is only one of many with them climbing all over me.

in terms of our day-to-day-life, we've started to settle into a semblance of a routine. i'm starting to get a little bored with the amount of time off we have (please don't confuse this with complaining, my job rocks... but in fairness, there's not much to do except drink....), so i made a poster and taped it above my bed. it goes like this:

do these things.

-write a song
-play piano
-read a book
-sew something
-take pictures
-practice guitar
-write a letter
-play a game
-study: french, spanish, sign, ports
-paint a mug (ceramics)
-work out
-clean your room
-go for a walk
-write a poem
-do laundry
-call home
-choreograph something
-write in your journal

now whenever i catch myself bitching about having nothing to do, i can prove myself wrong. i've left space at the bottom of my poster, so if you feel there's anything relevant that i should add, feel free to contribute.

we have a couple of birthdays coming up, so to celebrate we got some money from the crew club to throw a party for all the staff and crew.... we're hosting an 80's prom in the crew bar on monday, so i've been occupying myself with making posters and decorations. i'll post pictures and let you know how it goes...

miss you all...we have one more week cruise here in the med, and then next saturday we're off to the caribbean! my new address will be:

Corrina Keeling
Entertainment Department
mv. Sea Princess
c/o Platinum Port Services inc.
Suite 201 Building #4
Harbour Business Park
Barbados, W.I.


Corrina Keeling
Entertainment Department
mv. Sea Princess
c/o Lannaman & Morris Ltd.
2 Seventh Avenue
Newport West
Kingston 15

the first is my embarkation or 'home' port which we're in every second saturday, and the second is in montego bay, which we are in halfway through each two week cruise.

sorry there aren't more pictures... the signal cuts out all the time. i've been told that once we get to the caribbean, it's easy to find wireless at almost every port, so i'm hoping that keeping in touch will be easier. please feel free to send me your addresses so i can send you goodies... snail mail takes longer, but it's way more fun. miss you all!


llsweens said...

i think you should put on your list..... thinknig of Lindsay calling lindsay.. making lindsay tihngs..... wondering what lindsay is doing.... wishing lindsay was there.... making lindsay a song.... making lindsay a poem... making lindsay poetry.... calling lindsay did i say that one already... love you my dear girl

meg said...

sounds like a good time! way to be proactive and make things for yourself to do. how about adding 'write letters to friends at home' ie. me.